Saturday, July 17, 2010

1:00 p.m. on Day 6: The House Throws a Curve I Won’t Handle

Note I didn’t say “can’t”, but I’m done with this for today. See, first thing I did today was pour a footer to hold a joist to support the toilet. Why? It was previously unsupported, that’s why. Then, as I pried deeper into the mess, I notice that the tub surround is obviously not waterproof, which is evident from the disintegrating board around it’s enclosure.

This “fix the toilet” job has turned into a full rebuild of the bathroom.

No biggie. I can handle…wait…what’s that? There is only one shut off for the water in the house? So now I don’t have access to water? My one staple that has seen me through thus far?!? Ok. Screw it. This weekend has become a hiatus from the food project. Back on the menu is anything I have in the freezer or fridge (that’s still good) that can get me back to a place where I have running water. No ordering out or going to the bar, no more from the grocery store. Just get the food I need to not drive the circular saw into my thigh.

I wanted to tell you all as soon as fact was known.

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