Sunday, April 24, 2011

Days Get Away From You

Gentle readers, I’ve been neglectful of reflection recently. But not without cause. It seems that every day, some new reason to worry crops up. Since the fateful Dry Run, a few North African regimes have fallen. Also, the price of oil has continued to climb and the Nation’s debt outlook has been downgraded. Yes, it seems that these are certainly terrifying times. But there are simple solutions.

In Pennsylvania, as I’m sure there are in a lot of places, there is an Energy Coop. I get 100% of my electricity from renewable sources. It’s also cheaper than the main power company’s coal, oil and nuclear sourced power. There’s step one.

And today, on this glorious Sunday, I finally got my first rotation of crops into the soil. I’m three weeks off from when I was planning, but I feel that I’ll still get two good harvests out of the garden this year.

What else? Well, everything else is the same for the rest. Gloomy outlooks in all facets of Western Culture has everyone scared. Me too. But we can do something about it. If you were to look back through my communiqués, you’d see that there is a line where I state that in my industry, it takes twice the amount of power to run one small biosafety cabinet as it does to power two typical American homes. There - RIGHT THERE!! - is what we can do about it. On this day where we are told that He rose from the grave, let us keep our way of life out of the grave. I know it seems that it seems that we have no money, but that is because we are told that we have no money. A little from all of us can take us first off of foreign oil and then completely off of fossil fuels. That’s all we have to do. Homes, companies, and all can run from sun, wind and other renewable power. We can do it.

I sincerely think that to be true.

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