Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nice Things About Society

A few nights ago, I walked home from the bar. It was dark. I passed a single girl walking down the street. So, I don’t know if everyone here knows what ye ol’ Suburban Farmer looks like, but I have long hair and a beard, which isn’t exactly the norm for my neighborhood. We both felt safe enough, I suppose.

Every day, I go to bed in my house, which doesn’t have bars on the windows. Also, though I do think we all have the right to own a gun, I don’t believe I should own a whole bunch as they are the only justice I can count on.

See, we live in a Society (capital S). I really like having a government that pays for public utilities and services. Tonight, I fear that a majority of Americans may have forgotten that Society isn’t something that we always have, but something for which we have to pay.

I wonder who we’ll blame in 2014.

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